April 20-26, 2025
April 27-May 3, 2025
You’re invited once again to join me, other mystery lovers and Francophiles for a week in Paris.
We will again be exploring memorable scenes associated with the cases my private investigator has solved in my Aimée Leduc series. We will also visit scenes from my second WW2 thriller, Night Flight to Paris.

Aimée Leduc in the New York Times!
Book Review Quiz Bowl: Where in the World Do These Popular Detectives Solve Crimes?
This literary geography quiz highlights international detective characters cracking cases in their home cities.

Cara Black is the Recipient of the 2024 Médaille d’Or du Rayonnement Culturel
from La Renaissance Française USA
The award was presented to Cara Black at the residence of the French Ambassador.

This award reflects Cara Black’s continuing work to share historic and cultural insights about the 20 arrondissements in the French capital, as well as to create 21 engaging and suspenseful mysteries about the books’ endearing protagonist, Aimée Leduc, and her riveting series during WWII featuring Kate Reese.